For some reason the SCDPM Console occasionally shows that the storage consumed for a resource is 0 B. And this figure is not being updated automatically.
While the backups and restores are fine, the number stays 0 B.
To update this number you have to run the DPMSync tool.
For a single Resource or VM
First get the DataSourceID from the SQL Database via SQL Management Studio
Run the following SQL Query on your DPM Database:
Select * from dbo.tbl_IM_DataSource where DataSourceName LIKE 'Th-vm\VMNAME'
Copy the DataSourceID and run it in the DPM Powershell Console with the following command:
DPMSYNC -ReconcileStorageInfo 2BEB3AF4-AF3C-44EF-B72B-D0642E0E940C
Restart the DPM Console
The storage consumed will now show the right value.
This can also be done via Powershell:
$SQLQuery = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query " Select * from DPMDB.dbo.tbl_IM_DataSource where DataSourceName LIKE 'Th-vm\VMNAME'" -ServerInstance "Computer\Instance" | ForEach-Object Datasourceid
DPMSYNC -ReconcileStorageInfo $SQLQuery
For multiple resources:
$SQLQuery = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "select * from DPMDB.dbo.tbl_IM_DataSource WHERE ProtectedGroupId NOT LIKE 'NULL'" -ServerInstance "Computer\Instance" | ForEach-Object Datasourceid
ForEach ($SQLQ in $SQLQuery) {
DPMSYNC -ReconcileStorageInfo $SQLQ
I have the issue that the storage consumed does not display 0 B but a dash (-).
Backups work, but all data sources do not display space consumed. Your command ran fine, but it still doesn’t show the space. Any ideas?
Hi Ingo, unfortunately not. I’ve never experienced the dash in the console. Perhaps it’s a difference in DPM versions? On what version are you running currently?